Ich habe über die letzten paar Wochen alle Dienste auf qa.poole.ch auf einen neuen Server gezügelt, speziell auch http://qa.poole.ch/ch-roads/
Ich habe die Gelegenheit auch genutzt um die GWR Daten auch wieder mal zu erneueren, sie sind jetzt auf dem Stand von September 2017. Ausser, natürlich, einigen zusätzlichen Strassen (1400) scheint sich die Liste in sofern geändert zu haben, als das Objekte in der früheren "unbekannt"/"unbekannt" Kategorie (in meiner Erfahrung waren, dass hauptsächlich Objekte im Bau, oder in sehr faule Gemeinden) jetzt in der Kategorie "kein Typ"/"none" sind, was aber schlussendlich für uns keine grosse Rolle spielt (d.h. aber auch das die Kolonne "GWR unknown" 0 sein sollte, sonst schaut man sich die alten Daten an). Wenn man noch vergleichen will: alte Site http://hz2.poole.ch/qa/ch-roads/ noch für ein paar Tage, neue http://hz3.poole.ch/qa/ch-roads/.
Ansonsten muss noch dazu gesagt werden, dass es immer noch eine relative grosse Anzahl an Nullern hat (auch noch einer im Kanton Bern), und noch eine erhebliche Anzahl an Gemeinden mit sehr viel abweichenden Schreibweisen oder Tippfehler, die nicht überprüft wurden (siehe auch http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_-_GWR_Street_and_Place_Names_Comparis... dazu). Eigentlich wäre es eine kleine Sache mindestens die Fälle abzuklären.
Merci pour la mise à jour.
Il y a des cas étranges (qui existaient avant la maj). https://qa.poole.ch/ch-roads/FR/2053.html J'ai ajouté/corrigé dans osm tous les lieux habités de la commune. Les 4 lieux restant sont inhabités et mineurs. exemple "La Guérite" est un lieu au milieu des champs http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=18/46.86065/6.99746 Il n'y a aucun bâtiment à cet endroit. J'ai demandé à plusieurs habitants, personne ne se souvient de bâtiments à cet endroit. Est-il possible de regarder les données brutes de la base GWR pour ces 4 lieux ?
Cordialement, Marc
Le 28. 11. 17 à 09:09, Simon Poole a écrit :
Ich habe über die letzten paar Wochen alle Dienste auf qa.poole.ch auf einen neuen Server gezügelt, speziell auch http://qa.poole.ch/ch-roads/
Ich habe die Gelegenheit auch genutzt um die GWR Daten auch wieder mal zu erneueren, sie sind jetzt auf dem Stand von September 2017. Ausser, natürlich, einigen zusätzlichen Strassen (1400) scheint sich die Liste in sofern geändert zu haben, als das Objekte in der früheren "unbekannt"/"unbekannt" Kategorie (in meiner Erfahrung waren, dass hauptsächlich Objekte im Bau, oder in sehr faule Gemeinden) jetzt in der Kategorie "kein Typ"/"none" sind, was aber schlussendlich für uns keine grosse Rolle spielt (d.h. aber auch das die Kolonne "GWR unknown" 0 sein sollte, sonst schaut man sich die alten Daten an). Wenn man noch vergleichen will: alte Site http://hz2.poole.ch/qa/ch-roads/ noch für ein paar Tage, neue http://hz3.poole.ch/qa/ch-roads/.
Ansonsten muss noch dazu gesagt werden, dass es immer noch eine relative grosse Anzahl an Nullern hat (auch noch einer im Kanton Bern), und noch eine erhebliche Anzahl an Gemeinden mit sehr viel abweichenden Schreibweisen oder Tippfehler, die nicht überprüft wurden (siehe auch http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_-_GWR_Street_and_Place_Names_Comparis... dazu). Eigentlich wäre es eine kleine Sache mindestens die Fälle abzuklären.
talk-ch mailing list talk-ch@openstreetmap.ch http://lists.openstreetmap.ch/mailman/listinfo/talk-ch
Generell ist auch der GWR nicht fehlerfrei :-) . Eigentlich sollten nur Objekte die auch in Adressen vorkommen, dass "official" Flag gesetzt haben, aber eben.
Am 28.11.2017 um 12:02 schrieb marc marc:
Il y a des cas étranges (qui existaient avant la maj). https://qa.poole.ch/ch-roads/FR/2053.html J'ai ajouté/corrigé dans osm tous les lieux habités de la commune. Les 4 lieux restant sont inhabités et mineurs. exemple "La Guérite" est un lieu au milieu des champs http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=18/46.86065/6.99746 Il n'y a aucun bâtiment à cet endroit. J'ai demandé à plusieurs habitants, personne ne se souvient de bâtiments à cet endroit. Est-il possible de regarder les données brutes de la base GWR pour ces 4 lieux ?
Die vollständige Liste (ich muss mal das in die Auswertung einbauen). die Werte für geom sind: 9801 = road, 9802 = point, 9803 = area, 9809 = none
lang | canton | muni_ref | plz4 | plz2 | name | official | geom ------+--------+----------+------+------+------------------------------+----------+------ 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Au Bas des Moulins | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Au Village | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Bord-Dessous | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Champ Clos | 1 | 9803 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Chemin de la Bauma | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Chemin de la Belle Adze | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Chemin de la Cabuche | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 3 | Chemin de la Ferme | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Chemin de la Guérite | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Chemin de la Place de Sports | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Chemin de Riaux | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Chemin de Romané | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1580 | 2 | Chemin de Saint-Georges | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Chemin de Saint-Georges | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Chemin des Cerisiers | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Chemin des Crosettes | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Chemin des Noisetiers | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Chemin des Tilleuls | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 2 | Chemin du Biberou | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Chemin du Canal | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 2 | Chemin du Châtelard | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Chemin du Vigny | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Derrière-chez-Brun | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Eissy | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 2 | En Combolon | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | En-Cheneau | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Grand-Rhain | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Impasse de la Chavouna | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Impasse de la Cua | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Impasse de la Donchire | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Impasse de la Gare | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Impasse de l'Epine | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Impasse des Cigognes | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Impasse des Mésanges | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Impasse des Perdrix | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Impasse des Pinsons | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | La Bruyère | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | La Chavouna | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1580 | 0 | La Croix | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | La Cua | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | La Fayaula | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | La Guérite | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | La Panteire | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | La Richarda | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | La Ritta | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Le Bastillon | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Le Bioley | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Le Criblet | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 2 | Le Malforin | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Le Pâquier | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Le Saugy | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Le Vursy | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Les Bioles | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1580 | 2 | Les Bioles | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Les Epicéas | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Les Essinges | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Les Fontanettes | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Les Granges | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Les Moulins | 1 | 9803 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Les Roches | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Les Rochettes | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 2 | Les Trois Sapins | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Noyer-Amey | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Place de la Gare | 1 | 9802 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Plan-de-Chany | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Pré-de-la-Cour | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Pré-Perretta | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Pré-Puceret | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Route de Chandon | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 2 | Route de Chandon | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Route de Chany | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Route de Coppet | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1776 | 0 | Route de Corcelles | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Route de Corcelles | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Route de Corcelles | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 3 | Route de Domdidier | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Route de Domdidier | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 3 | Route de Dompierre | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Route de Fribourg | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 2 | Route de Grolley | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Route de la Bruyère | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Route de la Distillerie | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Route de l'Arbogne | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 3 | Route de Léchelles | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 3 | Route de l'Ecole | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Route de l'Industrie | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 2 | Route de Misery-Courtion | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Route de Payerne | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Route de Russy | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Route de Russy | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Route de Saint-Aubin | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 2 | Route de Vuaty | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Route d'Eissy | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Route des Caudrettes | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 3 | Route des Curtils | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Route des Genevreys | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Route des Grandseys | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 3 | Route des Roches | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Route des Vuarines | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1580 | 2 | Route d'Oleyres | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 2 | Route d'Oleyres | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Route d'Oleyres | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Route du Belmont | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 2 | Route du Guéravet | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Route du Jordil | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Route du Pra-Riond | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Route du Pré-Seigneur | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Route du Rin | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Route Neuve | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Rue Centrale | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Rue Centrale | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 3 | Rue de la Chapelle | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Rue du Château | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Sous-Gare | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Vers le Ru | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Vers l'Eglise | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Vigny | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1580 | 0 | Vy-d'Avenches | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Vy-d'Avenches | 1 | 9809
Avons-nous un moyen pour signaler les erreurs au GWR ? Un moyen pour ajouter un flag "erreur GWR" dans la comparaison ?
Je n'ai pas encore ajouté place=locality dans osm, je voulais garder l'erreur visible car c'est plus facile pour en parler.
La base GWR utilisée pour la comparaison ne contient aucun adresse avec le lieu "La Guérite" ?
Le 28. 11. 17 à 13:14, Simon Poole a écrit :
Generell ist auch der GWR nicht fehlerfrei :-) . Eigentlich sollten nur Objekte die auch in Adressen vorkommen, dass "official" Flag gesetzt haben, aber eben.
Am 28.11.2017 um 12:02 schrieb marc marc:
Il y a des cas étranges (qui existaient avant la maj). https://qa.poole.ch/ch-roads/FR/2053.html J'ai ajouté/corrigé dans osm tous les lieux habités de la commune. Les 4 lieux restant sont inhabités et mineurs. exemple "La Guérite" est un lieu au milieu des champs http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=18/46.86065/6.99746 Il n'y a aucun bâtiment à cet endroit. J'ai demandé à plusieurs habitants, personne ne se souvient de bâtiments à cet endroit. Est-il possible de regarder les données brutes de la base GWR pour ces 4 lieux ?
Die vollständige Liste (ich muss mal das in die Auswertung einbauen). die Werte für geom sind: 9801 = road, 9802 = point, 9803 = area, 9809 = none
lang | canton | muni_ref | plz4 | plz2 | name | official | geom ------+--------+----------+------+------+------------------------------+----------+------ 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Au Bas des Moulins | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Au Village | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Bord-Dessous | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Champ Clos | 1 | 9803 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Chemin de la Bauma | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Chemin de la Belle Adze | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Chemin de la Cabuche | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 3 | Chemin de la Ferme | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Chemin de la Guérite | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Chemin de la Place de Sports | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Chemin de Riaux | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Chemin de Romané | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1580 | 2 | Chemin de Saint-Georges | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Chemin de Saint-Georges | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Chemin des Cerisiers | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Chemin des Crosettes | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Chemin des Noisetiers | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Chemin des Tilleuls | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 2 | Chemin du Biberou | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Chemin du Canal | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 2 | Chemin du Châtelard | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Chemin du Vigny | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Derrière-chez-Brun | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Eissy | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 2 | En Combolon | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | En-Cheneau | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Grand-Rhain | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Impasse de la Chavouna | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Impasse de la Cua | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Impasse de la Donchire | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Impasse de la Gare | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Impasse de l'Epine | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Impasse des Cigognes | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Impasse des Mésanges | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Impasse des Perdrix | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Impasse des Pinsons | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | La Bruyère | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | La Chavouna | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1580 | 0 | La Croix | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | La Cua | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | La Fayaula | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | La Guérite | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | La Panteire | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | La Richarda | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | La Ritta | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Le Bastillon | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Le Bioley | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Le Criblet | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 2 | Le Malforin | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Le Pâquier | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Le Saugy | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Le Vursy | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Les Bioles | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1580 | 2 | Les Bioles | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Les Epicéas | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Les Essinges | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Les Fontanettes | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Les Granges | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Les Moulins | 1 | 9803 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Les Roches | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Les Rochettes | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 2 | Les Trois Sapins | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Noyer-Amey | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Place de la Gare | 1 | 9802 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Plan-de-Chany | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Pré-de-la-Cour | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Pré-Perretta | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Pré-Puceret | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Route de Chandon | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 2 | Route de Chandon | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Route de Chany | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Route de Coppet | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1776 | 0 | Route de Corcelles | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Route de Corcelles | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Route de Corcelles | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 3 | Route de Domdidier | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Route de Domdidier | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 3 | Route de Dompierre | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Route de Fribourg | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 2 | Route de Grolley | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Route de la Bruyère | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Route de la Distillerie | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Route de l'Arbogne | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 3 | Route de Léchelles | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 3 | Route de l'Ecole | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Route de l'Industrie | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 2 | Route de Misery-Courtion | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Route de Payerne | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Route de Russy | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Route de Russy | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Route de Saint-Aubin | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 2 | Route de Vuaty | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Route d'Eissy | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Route des Caudrettes | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 3 | Route des Curtils | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Route des Genevreys | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Route des Grandseys | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 3 | Route des Roches | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Route des Vuarines | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1580 | 2 | Route d'Oleyres | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 2 | Route d'Oleyres | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Route d'Oleyres | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Route du Belmont | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 2 | Route du Guéravet | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Route du Jordil | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Route du Pra-Riond | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Route du Pré-Seigneur | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Route du Rin | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Route Neuve | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Rue Centrale | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Rue Centrale | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 3 | Rue de la Chapelle | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Rue du Château | 1 | 9801 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Sous-Gare | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Vers le Ru | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1563 | 0 | Vers l'Eglise | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1773 | 0 | Vigny | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1580 | 0 | Vy-d'Avenches | 1 | 9809 9903 | FR | 2053 | 1564 | 0 | Vy-d'Avenches | 1 | 9809
talk-ch mailing list talk-ch@openstreetmap.ch http://lists.openstreetmap.ch/mailman/listinfo/talk-ch
The GWR data is collected by the municipalities/cantons not by the BfS and IMHO (and what has always been the conclusion when I've raised the topic with them) is that, if at all, corrections should happen at that level.
Adding a place=locality (if you have a way to actually know where that is) is quite legit if it really exists.
As to the last question, we don't have access to the full GWR data yet, the street list is generated by the BfS from the GWR data so should contain everything but who knows....
As to the raw data, we've been talking to the BfS about obtaining the GWR data directly (and not via a swisstopo service) as in principle the new ordinance from mid this year does not prohibit such access, and have received a statement that the first files should be available for download in Q1 next year. However this is all very fuzzy and hand wavy at this point in time, in particular as to what the actual use terms will be (which is the critical point for us).
Am 28.11.2017 um 13:38 schrieb marc marc:
Avons-nous un moyen pour signaler les erreurs au GWR ? Un moyen pour ajouter un flag "erreur GWR" dans la comparaison ?
Je n'ai pas encore ajouté place=locality dans osm, je voulais garder l'erreur visible car c'est plus facile pour en parler.
La base GWR utilisée pour la comparaison ne contient aucun adresse avec le lieu "La Guérite" ?
j'ai discuté il y a 2 ans avec le syndic, il est réceptif à l'idée de corriger la donnée à la source du problème, MAIS : - maintenant que les données adresse du GWR sont libres, je constate bien qu'il n'y a aucune adresse "La Guérite" - comment/où est-ce que le syndic peux constater qu'il y a une erreur dans les données de la commune ou du canton ? la liste des rues utilisée par le comparateur est-elle consultable en brut ? Sur le site du canton et de la confédération, il n'y a aucune adresse en cherchant "La Guérite". C'est donc difficile de montrer qu'il y a une donnée erronée chez eux. Je pense à un bug dans le générateur du fichier avec le nom des rues, avez-vous moyen de leur poster la question ? idem pour les 3 autres lieu-dit sans adresse de la commune.
Salutations, Marc
Le 28.11.17 à 14:32, Simon Poole a écrit :
The GWR data is collected by the municipalities/cantons not by the BfS and IMHO (and what has always been the conclusion when I've raised the topic with them) is that, if at all, corrections should happen at that level.
Adding a place=locality (if you have a way to actually know where that is) is quite legit if it really exists.
As to the last question, we don't have access to the full GWR data yet, the street list is generated by the BfS from the GWR data so should contain everything but who knows....
As to the raw data, we've been talking to the BfS about obtaining the GWR data directly (and not via a swisstopo service) as in principle the new ordinance from mid this year does not prohibit such access, and have received a statement that the first files should be available for download in Q1 next year. However this is all very fuzzy and hand wavy at this point in time, in particular as to what the actual use terms will be (which is the critical point for us).
Am 28.11.2017 um 13:38 schrieb marc marc:
Avons-nous un moyen pour signaler les erreurs au GWR ? Un moyen pour ajouter un flag "erreur GWR" dans la comparaison ?
Je n'ai pas encore ajouté place=locality dans osm, je voulais garder l'erreur visible car c'est plus facile pour en parler.
La base GWR utilisée pour la comparaison ne contient aucun adresse avec le lieu "La Guérite" ?
talk-ch mailing list talk-ch@openstreetmap.ch http://lists.openstreetmap.ch/mailman/listinfo/talk-ch
Hi Marc
The entry in the current street list is
1065147 0 9903 FR 2043 1541 3 La Guérite La Guérite Gué 1 9803 9835 110014 08.11.2019
The address data for Sévaz contains a number of entries for La Guérite so it is obviously really in the data and not just in the street list.
As to correcting this, it really depends on how your canton handles entering the data in the GWR, if the municipality enters it then they probably need to fix this themselves, otherwise whoever in canton adds the data needs to have a look at it.
PS: I haven't updated the list in a long time because it seemed to have vanished, aka there wasn't a link to it on the BfS website any more, but I've now found it again, so I'll update.
Am 09.11.2019 um 14:57 schrieb marc marc:
j'ai discuté il y a 2 ans avec le syndic, il est réceptif à l'idée de corriger la donnée à la source du problème, MAIS :
- maintenant que les données adresse du GWR sont libres,
je constate bien qu'il n'y a aucune adresse "La Guérite"
- comment/où est-ce que le syndic peux constater qu'il y a une erreur
dans les données de la commune ou du canton ? la liste des rues utilisée par le comparateur est-elle consultable en brut ? Sur le site du canton et de la confédération, il n'y a aucune adresse en cherchant "La Guérite". C'est donc difficile de montrer qu'il y a une donnée erronée chez eux. Je pense à un bug dans le générateur du fichier avec le nom des rues, avez-vous moyen de leur poster la question ? idem pour les 3 autres lieu-dit sans adresse de la commune.
Salutations, Marc
Le 28.11.17 à 14:32, Simon Poole a écrit :
The GWR data is collected by the municipalities/cantons not by the BfS and IMHO (and what has always been the conclusion when I've raised the topic with them) is that, if at all, corrections should happen at that level.
Adding a place=locality (if you have a way to actually know where that is) is quite legit if it really exists.
As to the last question, we don't have access to the full GWR data yet, the street list is generated by the BfS from the GWR data so should contain everything but who knows....
As to the raw data, we've been talking to the BfS about obtaining the GWR data directly (and not via a swisstopo service) as in principle the new ordinance from mid this year does not prohibit such access, and have received a statement that the first files should be available for download in Q1 next year. However this is all very fuzzy and hand wavy at this point in time, in particular as to what the actual use terms will be (which is the critical point for us).
Am 28.11.2017 um 13:38 schrieb marc marc:
Avons-nous un moyen pour signaler les erreurs au GWR ? Un moyen pour ajouter un flag "erreur GWR" dans la comparaison ?
Je n'ai pas encore ajouté place=locality dans osm, je voulais garder l'erreur visible car c'est plus facile pour en parler.
La base GWR utilisée pour la comparaison ne contient aucun adresse avec le lieu "La Guérite" ?
talk-ch mailing list talk-ch@openstreetmap.ch http://lists.openstreetmap.ch/mailman/listinfo/talk-ch
talk-ch mailing list talk-ch@openstreetmap.ch http://lists.openstreetmap.ch/mailman/listinfo/talk-ch
As promised I updated the data yesterday and over the night the statistics have been re-run.
One of the major differences that I saw is that some of the cantons now have moved away from just setting "none" as the object type and are doing a proper classification again. Given that is it unlikely that Switzerland actually added 36'000 streets / places over the last two years I assume the major part of the increase on the GWR side is improved data quality.
GWR OSM (matched)
2017 2019
Streets 125'781 158'272 115'121
Points 2'374 1'918 N/A
Areas 25'025 55'079 N/A
None 34'700 7'989 N/A
Total 187'880 223'258 139'626 (+ 4'938 with minor spelling differences)
For the per municipality numbers see http://qa.poole.ch/ch-roads/ and https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_-_GWR_Street_and_Place_Names_Compari... for explanations.
In case it is isn't clear: *yes* you should be working on the missing streets and roads, at least where you live and neighbouring places, this is far easier than it used to be given that we can now locate them via the GWR address data http://qa.poole.ch/addresses/ch/ (when I worked through the Canton Aargau years back finding the roads on the ground was rather tiresome and sometimes not even possible).
Am 09.11.2019 um 21:48 schrieb Simon Poole:
Hi Marc
The entry in the current street list is
1065147 0 9903 FR 2043 1541 3 La Guérite La Guérite Gué 1 9803 9835 110014 08.11.2019
The address data for Sévaz contains a number of entries for La Guérite so it is obviously really in the data and not just in the street list.
As to correcting this, it really depends on how your canton handles entering the data in the GWR, if the municipality enters it then they probably need to fix this themselves, otherwise whoever in canton adds the data needs to have a look at it.
PS: I haven't updated the list in a long time because it seemed to have vanished, aka there wasn't a link to it on the BfS website any more, but I've now found it again, so I'll update.
Am 09.11.2019 um 14:57 schrieb marc marc:
j'ai discuté il y a 2 ans avec le syndic, il est réceptif à l'idée de corriger la donnée à la source du problème, MAIS :
- maintenant que les données adresse du GWR sont libres,
je constate bien qu'il n'y a aucune adresse "La Guérite"
- comment/où est-ce que le syndic peux constater qu'il y a une erreur
dans les données de la commune ou du canton ? la liste des rues utilisée par le comparateur est-elle consultable en brut ? Sur le site du canton et de la confédération, il n'y a aucune adresse en cherchant "La Guérite". C'est donc difficile de montrer qu'il y a une donnée erronée chez eux. Je pense à un bug dans le générateur du fichier avec le nom des rues, avez-vous moyen de leur poster la question ? idem pour les 3 autres lieu-dit sans adresse de la commune.
Salutations, Marc
Le 28.11.17 à 14:32, Simon Poole a écrit :
The GWR data is collected by the municipalities/cantons not by the BfS and IMHO (and what has always been the conclusion when I've raised the topic with them) is that, if at all, corrections should happen at that level.
Adding a place=locality (if you have a way to actually know where that is) is quite legit if it really exists.
As to the last question, we don't have access to the full GWR data yet, the street list is generated by the BfS from the GWR data so should contain everything but who knows....
As to the raw data, we've been talking to the BfS about obtaining the GWR data directly (and not via a swisstopo service) as in principle the new ordinance from mid this year does not prohibit such access, and have received a statement that the first files should be available for download in Q1 next year. However this is all very fuzzy and hand wavy at this point in time, in particular as to what the actual use terms will be (which is the critical point for us).
Am 28.11.2017 um 13:38 schrieb marc marc:
Avons-nous un moyen pour signaler les erreurs au GWR ? Un moyen pour ajouter un flag "erreur GWR" dans la comparaison ?
Je n'ai pas encore ajouté place=locality dans osm, je voulais garder l'erreur visible car c'est plus facile pour en parler.
La base GWR utilisée pour la comparaison ne contient aucun adresse avec le lieu "La Guérite" ?
talk-ch mailing list talk-ch@openstreetmap.ch http://lists.openstreetmap.ch/mailman/listinfo/talk-ch
talk-ch mailing list talk-ch@openstreetmap.ch http://lists.openstreetmap.ch/mailman/listinfo/talk-ch
talk-ch mailing list talk-ch@openstreetmap.ch http://lists.openstreetmap.ch/mailman/listinfo/talk-ch
in dem Dreieck GWR-Kanton-OSM habe ich angenehme und unangenehme Erfahrungen durch Fehler in der Gemeinde Ramsen, Kanton Schaffhausen, gemacht. Da die Sache in der Schwebe ist, halte ich in meinem Fall den direkten und mündlichen Austausch zunächst für geeigneter, z.B. heute abend am Rande vom Züricher Stammtisch (falls Du, Simon, und auch Du, Jonas dabei sind? -wie ich hoffe).
mhG Ludwig
On 11.11.19 09:44, Simon Poole wrote:
As promised I updated the data yesterday and over the night the statistics have been re-run.
One of the major differences that I saw is that some of the cantons now have moved away from just setting "none" as the object type and are doing a proper classification again. Given that is it unlikely that Switzerland actually added 36'000 streets / places over the last two years I assume the major part of the increase on the GWR side is improved data quality.
GWR OSM (matched)
2017 2019
Streets 125'781 158'272 115'121
Points 2'374 1'918 N/A
Areas 25'025 55'079 N/A
None 34'700 7'989 N/A
Total 187'880 223'258 139'626 (+ 4'938 with minor spelling differences)
For the per municipality numbers see http://qa.poole.ch/ch-roads/ and https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_-_GWR_Street_and_Place_Names_Compari... for explanations.
In case it is isn't clear: *yes* you should be working on the missing streets and roads, at least where you live and neighbouring places, this is far easier than it used to be given that we can now locate them via the GWR address data http://qa.poole.ch/addresses/ch/ (when I worked through the Canton Aargau years back finding the roads on the ground was rather tiresome and sometimes not even possible).
Am 09.11.2019 um 21:48 schrieb Simon Poole:
Hi Marc
The entry in the current street list is
1065147 0 9903 FR 2043 1541 3 La Guérite La Guérite Gué 1 9803 9835 110014 08.11.2019
The address data for Sévaz contains a number of entries for La Guérite so it is obviously really in the data and not just in the street list.
As to correcting this, it really depends on how your canton handles entering the data in the GWR, if the municipality enters it then they probably need to fix this themselves, otherwise whoever in canton adds the data needs to have a look at it.
Am 11.11.2019 um 09:44 schrieb Simon Poole:
As promised I updated the data yesterday and over the night the statistics have been re-run.
One of the major differences that I saw is that some of the cantons now have moved away from just setting "none" as the object type and are doing a proper classification again. Given that is it unlikely that Switzerland actually added 36'000 streets / places over the last two years I assume the major part of the increase on the GWR side is improved data quality.
My current suspicion is that the difference is due to streets and places that don't actually have postal addresses associated with them now being included, I couldn't pin this down with any local data, anybody else have a theory?
Am 11.11.2019 um 13:29 schrieb Simon Poole:
.... My current suspicion is that the difference is due to streets and places that don't actually have postal addresses associated with them now being included, I couldn't pin this down with any local data, anybody else have a theory?
I've found a good example of this in Birmensdorf (ZH) that used to be near 100% coverage and now has 49 street matches "missing".
Explanation: the attributes for streets and places contain a value that indicates if the object is actually used in the GWR (as in: there was an address associated with it), that value has now been changed from "not used" to "used" for streets that don't actually have an address associated with them, or just have a building without an actual postal address.
The former means there is no actual geometry associated with the street in the GWR making it "difficult" to locate the road. I could however conceivably filter these out based on the fact that there are no GWR addresses with the street name, the later is more difficult to resolve as the address data distributed by the BfS doesn't contain any of the, in principle available, meta-data on building type and so on.
Any opinions on how to proceed?
Removing all roads that don't have associated addresses removes roughly 35'000 which would seem to be much more compatible with the previous data, so I'll switch to doing that.
Am 12. November 2019 09:22:49 MEZ schrieb Simon Poole simon@poole.ch:
Am 11.11.2019 um 13:29 schrieb Simon Poole:
.... My current suspicion is that the difference is due to streets and
that don't actually have postal addresses associated with them now
included, I couldn't pin this down with any local data, anybody else have a theory?
I've found a good example of this in Birmensdorf (ZH) that used to be near 100% coverage and now has 49 street matches "missing".
Explanation: the attributes for streets and places contain a value that indicates if the object is actually used in the GWR (as in: there was an address associated with it), that value has now been changed from "not used" to "used" for streets that don't actually have an address associated with them, or just have a building without an actual postal address.
The former means there is no actual geometry associated with the street in the GWR making it "difficult" to locate the road. I could however conceivably filter these out based on the fact that there are no GWR addresses with the street name, the later is more difficult to resolve as the address data distributed by the BfS doesn't contain any of the, in principle available, meta-data on building type and so on.
Any opinions on how to proceed?
I've now run the stats with roads that have no associated addresses removed.
This looks substantially better, the total number of objects in the GWR has gone slightly down because obviously the issue even existed in the old data just not as bad.
To make things easier to understand the per municipality numbers http://qa.poole.ch/ch-roads/ "all" link now actually contains all objects indicating if they were removed because of the filtering, as you will see from the data it seems to be a bit of a per canton by canton issue.
GWR OSM (matched)
2017 2019 2019
Streets 125'781 158'272 131'299 107'962
Points 2'374 1'918 1'615 N/A
Areas 25'025 55'079 47'883 N/A
None 34'700 7'989 4'880 N/A
Total 187'880 223'258 185'677 131'116 (+ 3'855 with minor spelling differences)
See https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_-_GWR_Street_and_Place_Names_Compari... for explanations.
And just a further note on this.
As mentioned on the wiki the script that calculates the numbers tries to reassign object types from "none" to whatever it is in OSM if it can be found. This has worked well in the past, but it seems that in the new data not only were 27'000 object reassigned from "none" to "area", it seems as if this was simply a global search and replace.
Example http://qa.poole.ch/ch-roads/allroads/2152.html in which essentially all of the object should have been set to "road" and not "area".
Am 12.11.2019 um 18:30 schrieb Simon Poole:
I've now run the stats with roads that have no associated addresses removed.
This looks substantially better, the total number of objects in the GWR has gone slightly down because obviously the issue even existed in the old data just not as bad.
To make things easier to understand the per municipality numbers http://qa.poole.ch/ch-roads/ "all" link now actually contains all objects indicating if they were removed because of the filtering, as you will see from the data it seems to be a bit of a per canton by canton issue.
GWR OSM (matched)
2017 2019 2019
Streets 125'781 158'272 131'299 107'962
Points 2'374 1'918 1'615 N/A
Areas 25'025 55'079 47'883 N/A
None 34'700 7'989 4'880 N/A
Total 187'880 223'258 185'677 131'116 (+ 3'855 with minor spelling differences)
See https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_-_GWR_Street_and_Place_Names_Compari... for explanations.
talk-ch mailing list talk-ch@openstreetmap.ch http://lists.openstreetmap.ch/mailman/listinfo/talk-ch