
in dem Dreieck GWR-Kanton-OSM habe ich angenehme und unangenehme Erfahrungen durch Fehler in der Gemeinde Ramsen, Kanton Schaffhausen, gemacht. Da die Sache in der Schwebe ist, halte ich in meinem Fall den direkten und mündlichen Austausch zunächst für geeigneter, z.B.  heute abend am Rande vom Züricher Stammtisch (falls Du, Simon, und auch Du, Jonas dabei sind? -wie ich hoffe).

mhG Ludwig

On 11.11.19 09:44, Simon Poole wrote:

As promised I updated the data yesterday and over the night the statistics have been re-run.

One of the major differences that I saw is that some of the cantons now have moved away from just setting "none" as the object type and are doing a proper classification again. Given that is it unlikely that Switzerland actually added 36'000 streets / places over the last two years I assume the major part of the increase on the GWR side is improved data quality.

            GWR                OSM (matched)

            2017      2019

Streets     125'781   158'272  115'121

Points        2'374     1'918  N/A

Areas        25'025    55'079  N/A

None         34'700     7'989  N/A

Total       187'880   223'258  139'626 (+ 4'938 with minor spelling differences)

For the per municipality numbers see  http://qa.poole.ch/ch-roads/ and https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_-_GWR_Street_and_Place_Names_Comparison for explanations.

In case it is isn't clear: yes you should be working on the missing streets and roads, at least where you live and neighbouring places, this is far easier than it used to be given that we can now locate them via the GWR address data http://qa.poole.ch/addresses/ch/ (when I worked through the Canton Aargau years back finding the roads on the ground was rather tiresome and sometimes not even possible).


Am 09.11.2019 um 21:48 schrieb Simon Poole:
Hi Marc

The entry in the current street list is

1065147 0       9903    FR      2043    1541    3       La Guérite     
La Guérite      Gué             1       9803    9835    110014  08.11.2019

The address data for Sévaz contains a number of entries for La Guérite
so it is obviously really in the data and not just in the street list.

As to correcting this, it really depends on how your canton handles
entering the data in the GWR, if the municipality enters it then they
probably need to fix this themselves, otherwise whoever in canton adds
the data needs to have a look at it.
