Am 30.08.2022 um 22:48 schrieb Paul Brunner:
Would theWelcome Tool < > (wiki pagehere be helpful in welcoming and orienting new members?
It more or less does the same thing I do, a bit more automated, but I'm not sure it actually saves anything in everyday use.
Sending a welcome mail is 1 click on the mail from the RSS feed, one click on the user account link, one click on the "Send message" button, one click on the title field and a key press, one click and paste for the welcome text, one click to send. Once everything is set up that is really fast, aka a couple of seconds. We typically have a bit over 1'000 new contributors each year, so at worst we are talking about 2-3 hours / year just sending the messages.
What takes time and dominates everything else is giving accounts that, for whatever reason, are worthy of it, a closer look, and that is no faster with the welcome tool. Using it would make sense if we had a substantially higher influx of new accounts and/or were splitting the work up. But it means more moving parts which in turn cause extra work too.
Simon, I thought I remembered you saying it was quite a bit of work sending the emails out the current way. (Resending with different subject line.)
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