I just added the big Coop City in Sion, and since I go there to buy food I tagged it supermarket :)
Clearly not appropriate for the big Coop/Migros multipurpose stores, how should it be tagged?
On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 03:21:39PM +0200, Mohamed Ellozy wrote:
I just added the big Coop City in Sion, and since I go there to buy food I tagged it supermarket :)
You are in good company. 9 of the 11 Coop City in Switzerland are tagged as shop=supermarket. ;) But I agree with you that is not quite right.
Clearly not appropriate for the big Coop/Migros multipurpose stores, how should it be tagged?
I'd suggest shop=department_store.
2011/7/19 Sarah Hoffmann lonvia@denofr.de:
I'd suggest shop=department_store.
On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 6:20 PM, Sarah Hoffmann lonvia@denofr.de wrote:
I'd suggest shop=department_store.
Done, merci! We have the same problem in the US, Walmart startd out as a department store, but in recent years has added substantial food sections to many of its stores.
Pour le dernier CoopCenter que j'ai mappé, j'ai utilisé les tags
- shop=mall - type=indoor
Est-ce également une piste ?
Bonne soirée ! Raphaël Terrettaz
2011/7/19 Mohamed Ellozy m_ellozy@post.harvard.edu