Sali Simon Hm, bedeutet das, man darf alles für OSM verwenden, solange es au deren Hauptseiten ( etc)erwähnt wird?
Cheers, Philippe Am Dienstag, 14. September 2021, 15:59:17 MESZ hat Simon Poole Folgendes geschrieben:
Was lange währt wird endlich gut.
swisstopo has now provided FAQ to their terms of use that clarify that central attribution of their datasets conforms to their requirements. See point 6.
Thanks to everybody that has worked on this over the last half a year, in particular Raphael Bovier from swisstopo, and everbody unknown working on the issue there, Benedikt Hitz and Mathias Stürmer from the University of Berne.
If somebody wants to use a specific dataset it should be added to the Wiki contributors page as we have done on previous occasions. If you would like to propose an import (right now I wouldn't know of anything that is urgent), please follow the import guidelines
I'll be updating relevant documents and posts over the next couple of days, so don't be surprised if their is a bit of inconsistency right now.
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