tl;dr: I seek advice for tagging different facilities for childcare in Switzerland.
Dear list
I got a waiver to import data from the city of Uster [1] and am in the process of preparing this data for an import. Before discussing the specifics of this import, I would like to clarify some general questions regarding Switzerland-specific tagging of places for childcare that came up while working with this dataset.
Regarding childcare I would like to be able to tag the following use-cases, which I believe should cover the most common cases we have in Switzerland:
- A: (what I call "Kindergarten" in german): Part of the mandatory swiss school education for children of the age of approx. 4 to 6. - B: ("Kita"): Where working parents can bring their children (approx. aged 0 to 4) during office hours (up to 5 full days a week). There is a definition at [2] that defines a Kita/use-case B as: Cares periodically for children aged 3 months until the age where compulsory school ends, on at least 5 half-days, offering 6 or more slots. - C: ("Spielgruppe"): Where children go approx. once per week for only a few hours. The legal hurdles to operate such a facility are lower than those for use-case B, but seem to differ for each canton. Food/lunch is normally not offered. - D: ("Hort"): Where children of age approx. 4+ go before/between/after mandatory school visits, so parents can work. - E: ("Krabbelgruppe"): A place where parents together with their children (aged approx. 0 to 2) meet regularly (e.g. once per week) for a small number of hours.
I have a bit of a hard time mapping the existing Wiki entries to the above use-cases. My understanding (mostly from [3]) is this:
- A: amenity=kindergarten, preschool=yes, operator:type=public, min_age=4, max_age=6, isced:level:2011=0 - B: amenity=kindergarten, nursery=yes, operator:type=private, min_age=3 months, breakfast=yes, lunch=yes - C: amenity=kindergarten, operator:type=private, min_age=4 - D: amenity=kindergarten, after_school=yes, operator:type=private, min_age=4, - E: (seems undefined yet)
What I don't like about it:
- The tagging for these almost don't differ, although I expect that for parents looking for a form of childcare the differences are significant. Especially between use-case B and C there is almost no distinction. - amenity=kindergarten is used 2427 times in Switzerland [4]. There is a competing tag amenity=childcare that is used non-negligible 726 times [5] in Switzerland. Its meaning is unclear to me (see [6] and [7]) and it is mentioned in a rejected [8] and an abandoned [9] proposal.
Please share your input on the following questions:
- Have I missed a significant use-case for childcare? - Do you agree with my tagging for the aforementioned use-cases? - Do you see a good way how we could tag the difference between use-cases B and C? Is this already given by nursery=yes? Maybe tag their membership to either kibesuisse (use-case B) [10] or SSLV (use-case C) [11] (might not be given/known for all)? How to do so? Or define a tag playgroup=yes or CH:playgroup=yes? - Do you agree in deprecating and manually retagging amenity=childcare instances? - What would be the easiest way to get a list of all mappers that tagged amenity=childcare onto objects in Switzerland to invite them for input? - Shall I (we?) go to the tagging mailing list trying to get consensus for a tag for use-case E? What should it be? baby_crawling_group=yes ? - Do you know any public map that is already showing the given use-cases? - What have I missed or got wrong?
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
Best regards