Whenever I used the image tag, I usually reviewed all images by hand because of this problem. Your approach, using only known domains, where you know how to query license and attribution, is probably a good approach. But not trivial to implement. For example umap has no support for this. I would suggest to avoid 0-3 as they are regarded "non-free" because of the non commercial clause. The others are ok for me because they are no worse than the established usage of pictures hosted on wikimedia commons. Where you have the same problem that you need to retrieve the license and author.
On 26/02/2020 08:45, European Water Project wrote:
Hi Again,
FYI, I looked at the flickr API documentation again, and it is actually quite easy to extract the license & attribution information for each photo ... in any case no more difficult than with wikimedia commons.
A typical flickr url is either formed as :
https://farm%7Bfarm-id%7D.staticflickr.com/%7Bserver-id%7D/%7Bid%7D_%7Bsecre... http://staticflickr.com/{server-id}/{id}_{secret}_[mstzb].jpg
with an example :
Best regards,