Hi datendelphin,
I made some changes to the Wiki site. Here my reasoning:
Then for Bridleway and cycleway, use of those two types for bicycle/horse and foot is not prohibited. Only one rule applies (but thats already clear I think) That if there is for example a cycleway, cyclists have to use it. But that is clear with the designation already.
The Signalisationsverordnung[1] states in Article 33[2]:
"Andere Strassenbenützer [als Fussgänger bzw. Reiter] sind auf Fuss- und Reitwegen nicht zugelassen." So bridleways and (signposted) footways are for the correspondent group only.
For foot ways, things are not so clear. I think, usually ways which have a ban of driving sign (the red circle, white center sign) are tagged as foot ways.
I normally tag such ways as highway=track|path and vehiecle=no (this scheme is also mentioned in the Wiki as the favoured way). To me, footways need to have a blue sign..
Stéphane Brunner, you changed bicycle=no for footways to bicycle=yes. Why? What footways do you have in mind where cycling is allowed? IMHO cycling is not allowed there.
What I ask myself:
The Signalisationsverordnung only makes a clear statement about foot- and bridleways. It says nowhere that pedestrians are not allowed on cycleways. Nevertheless, the sign 2.60[3] (Radweg) is normally used to sign a way that should only be used by cyclists. Furthermore, there is a sign 2.63 (gemeinsamer Rad- und Fussweg). Where is the rule, that cycleways are only for cyclists? Otherwise, 2.63 would not be needed..
Gruss, Thomas
[1] http://www.admin.ch/ch/d/sr/741_21/index.html [2] http://www.admin.ch/ch/d/sr/741_21/a33.html [3] http://www.admin.ch/ch/d/sr/741_21/app2.html