On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 05:35:33PM +0200, Stefan Keller wrote:
What to do in DIDOK when the coordinates are wrong? In the following area some transport stop points are in the middle of the street or even on the wrong street of the road junction: http://osm.lonvia.de/didok.html?zoom=16&lat=47.256190&lon=8.799100&a...
For most cases, I would recommend to simply wait until after the import and then move the nodes to the correct place. We will have to verify the correct positions of the imported stops by ground survey anyways, because bus stops should normally appear as two stops (both directions) in OSM.
If you find a stop that is really badly off (a couple of hundred meters), it would be really helpful if you could add the correct position to OSM and then connect the OSM node and the offending Didok stop. This is not really required (you might as well wait until after the import) but it would help us giving feedback to the BAV.