On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 08:40:54PM +0100, Michel Schinz wrote:
2013/11/21 Sarah Hoffmann lonvia@denofr.de
I can't reproduce that here. Probably just a glitch when loading the javascript. If it is reproducable behaviour for you, let me know which Browser/OS you are using.
I manage to reproduce it consistently each time I load the site anew and then click on two random points on the map, both on Safari and Chrome on Mac OS (latest version). I even did a complete reset of Safari, to no avail.
It's not a huge deal, that said...
Alright, needed to have the browser set to French to reproduce it. Quickfixed that, too. There is an update to the latest version of OSRM on the todo list. That hopefully fixes all these issues properly.