I just looked at the data already uploaded (geneva, part of vaud...) and it seems the boundaries are off. Examples: here [1] the boundary seems to follow "la laire", at least the shape lookes like it, but is shifted about 100m north/50m west. same here [2], where the boundary should follow la rhône.
strange.. as the old data (GG25 2010) was correct, I only did a rough check for the new one (swissBOUNDARIES3D 2011), and it seemed to be ok.
But here http://osm.t-i.ch/gg.html?lat=46.14044&lon=5.99955&zoom=15&layer... the difference between GG25 (yellow) and new (already rendered) is quite clear. I'll stop the import for a recheck..
Regards, Thomas