I'd like to point to two forthcoming OSM events: * State of the Map France 2017, Avignon, France, 2–4 June, http://openstreetmap.fr/sotmfr2017 * State of the Map 2017, Aizuwakamatsu, Japan, 18–20 August, http://2017.stateofthemap.org/
Regarding the worldwide SoTM in Japan there's currently a community survey going on until 23rd April 2017 where you can help shaping the program by rating the proposals: see https://blog.openstreetmap.org/2017/04/11/community-survey-for-the-state-of-...
Disclaimer: I submitted a proposal to SoTM Japan about "Challenges in Geonames and Adress Extraction out of OpenStreetMap".