Hello everyone,
I mapped recently around Lausanne, especially above the city (but still part of the commune) for example near "Vers-chez-les-blanc". Around here, if you look for example for "Chemin des Coumenets 26" in map.geo.admin.ch, you'll end up with "Locality: Lausanne 26" and a corresponding new PLZ6/NPA6 with the same number "100026" (the current NPA/PLZ 4 number long is "1000").
I'm sure that the same situation is happening somewhere else in Switzerland and that it was already discussed (but I couldn't find anything here or on the wiki).
How should we map those addresses (Locality and PLZ/NPA)? Does anyone have further information about this PLZ6/NPA6? Should we already add them in another field?
Best regards,