Isn't there a consensus to have what is written on street plates in the 'name' tag ?
Envoyé de mon téléphone Android avec K-9 Mail. Excusez la brièveté.
Fred Jelk a écrit :
Hi Simon,
o.k. I think, in french (Switzerland), the capital letters are without
an accent. I will change these names in OSM.
But, now I've found an other Problem:
In Schmitten FR [1] is a road in GWR named as an short-name: F. X.
The real Name is "Franz Xaver Müllerstrasse". And in OSM it is named
like this. Till now, I thinked, we shouldn't use short names in OSM. I
hope, this is still right.
The problem is: if other users see on the GWR-list some other shorten
streetnames, it will be possible, that they will change the name that it
match to the GWR-list.
Am 06.11.2012 21:47, schrieb Simon Poole:
> I've set up an experimental street name comparison service at
> , this generates on a per community base a
> list of names and compares them to the list available generated from GWR
> data. More information can be found here
> As can be seen from the list we have a large number of locations where
> we have surveyed none or only a very small number of the street names. I
> hope that providing this service will help motivate the community to
> improve the situation.
> Simon
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