On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 02:13:22PM +0200, Beni Buess wrote:
As we now need to merge the national boundaries with the ones of our friendly neighbours the following questions come up:
Which boundary way is to be considered more exact?
- Switzerland/Italy
It seems our boundaries are better. I suggest to remove the italien ones. The italien boundaries are still tagged with the old country:left country:right scheme instead of multipolygons. Should we leave it that way, just replacing the national boundary way?
I've started to replace the boundaries around Graubuenden, ours seem slightly more detailed and the existing Italian ones are from a census, which I expect to be less accurate. I think Thomas said that the Italiens agreed. I did not reapply the country:* tags because that seemed to be some old artifact. There are boundary relations for all administrative levels in Italy.
- Switzerland/Austria
That should be finished already. (For Graubuenden it was actually done already, I assume by our friendly neighbours.)
- Switzerland/Germany
The existing boundaries are very close to the newly imported ones as far as I've seen. Suggestions?
- Switzerland/France
Don't know about those two. But if they are very close then it really doesn't matter. Just leave the one that is more detailed.