Hi Andrew,
On 26.06.11 12:28, Andrew Lunn wrote:
How is the map in the magnifying glass linked to the main map?
I use the OpenLayers OverviewMap for this.
Also, the image in the glass seems to have an overlay of some binary numbers. You need to zoom out so there is blue sea before they become visible, but i think they are there at all zoom levels.
I used the magnifying glass from the new OSM logo [1] including ist numbers and shine.
[1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/File:Public-images-osm_logo.svg
I like the Swiss outline in the direction cross box, and the way it brings you back to "home". Maybe i would of had the default for one zoom level higher, so there is less of FR, DE, AU, IT shown, but it depends on the size of the display. On my small laptop display, the next zoom level chops of part or Kantons TI and VS. So it is a good compromise.
Its a bounding box it zooms to. Depending on display size it use different zoom levels. May a can shrink this bounding as it's is to big now
I personally would like to see a hiking map in the selection of base layers. Most of my contributions to OSM tend to be mountain paths. I like to see the contour lines. The cycle map has these, has the paths rendered, but is missing cable cars, which for me makes the maps unusable for planning hikes.
Adding layers should not be a big thing.
The<Map> <Wiki> <OSM.org> buttons are interesting. Have you thought about using CSS to make them appear on the wiki as well so there is a more consistent look and feel? Not even sure if its possible, since the wiki is on a different host.
Nop, all openstreetmap.org sites are out of out control.
- Marius