Le 15. 05. 18 à 16:56, Hikerus a écrit :
my time table for the postal car is not allowed?
Sounds for me with these example too academic
a less academic : nothing is allowed exept - local knwonledge (you known a house exist there) - survey (you see a house, the housenumber, the number of level) - gps (you take a gps to get lon&lat to draw the wall of the house) - allowed imagery (you use DigitalGlocal to see a building and draw) - other allowd sources like those on this list https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Switzerland/Datasources
So for the timetable for the bus of your village, - you have the local knownledge of bus you take often (a few per day) - you can survey it : see that a bus stop is there an the name. - you can use a gps to track the route if you want - you can use DIDOK/OpenStransportData.swiss to armchair it. - you can not copy/past operator's map or other "work"
Regards, Marc