I've updated the underlying data for both sites to data current as of March 2021.
I originally intended to migrate to the "official" street list from swisstopo for the road names comparison in the hope that the data would be more consistent than the, now no longer officially published, street list generated directly from the GWR by the BfS. As we don't actually use the data directly this would have been possible even given the current difficulties with the swisstopo terms of use.
Unluckily the list is missing important information, for example the language the street name in the list is in (this is important in real bilingual areas and it is somewhat amazing that this was left out, but there are a number of other very weird design choices wrt the information included in the list that I hope will be revisited down the road). As a result I still need to rely on some heuristics to determine object type (street, point, area) and if the road is actually used in the GWR, see my mail here back in 2019 on this.
All that said, there are 9'000 new objects in the data since the last data update, so it is well worth checking your area of interest. Of the 140'162 roads we are currently matching 125'570 though this doesn't take minor spelling differences in to account (for example that Geneva decided to change capitalisation of the names in the list a couple of years back) and should be taken as a lower bound. On how to deal with such differences see https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_-_GWR_Street_and_Place_Names_Compari...
The address data extracts on http://qa.poole.ch/addresses/ch/ continue to be generated from GWR data. However I've addressed an old issue: the geojson and OSM files now use "addr:place" for the street-level object if that can be determined from the street list.