I just wanted to give you another argument for mapping separate sidewalks (although navigation software might not like it)
On Thu, Aug 24, 2017 at 10:22 PM, Andreas Bürki abuerki@anidor.com wrote:
Am 24.08.2017 um 21:56 schrieb Marc Gemis:
I'm not pretty sure, if this is a "OSM problem", as we can only map, what we see and add given tags. - Or, how other maps solve the issue?
Maybe the routing software has to become smarter...
to quote imagico (http://blog.imagico.de/social-engineering-in-openstreetmap/)
"So if – as a mapper – you want to really support and encourage competent data use better ignore any assumed interests of data users and map as you as a mapper can most efficiently represent your observations on the ground in data form."
this might very well apply in this situation, so when you can better tag a sidewalk with a separate line, why not ?
Ehm, maybe I didn't understand you correctly, but this is exactly what I always tried to do:
Separate sidewalk with minimum tagging like this:
highway=footway footway=sidewalk
or for crosswalk (pedestrian/zebra crossing)
highway=footway footway=crossing
and if I don't forget I add the surfeace, e.g. surface:asphalt
And I do this as well for bridges, see Nydeggbrücke or Kirchenfeldbrücke
cheeers, h.
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Andreas Bürki
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