Hi Beat
Thank you for your post. I have no experience with wikidata, so I am happy that more knowledgable people give their comments :) however I still have a comment regarding OSM iD:
On 10/07/18 10:13, Estermann Beat wrote:
What we are missing right now in Wikidata is a property to refer to the OSM node ID. I have therefore submitted a property proposal: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Property_proposal/Authority_control#O... Feel free to add more examples and endorse the proposal. Creation of the property should take about 2 weeks.
I am pretty sure that has been discussed, and the Problem is that OSM does not provide stable IDs. So the way to link wikidata with OSM is either with the wikidata tag in OSM, or via coordinates (OSM fountain the closest to the coordinate in wikidata).
Also for the license issue, you can only use the data for both OSM and wikidata if you know the underlying source and the source is compatible with both.
By the way, survey in OSM context means the mapper was there, in person, and mapped the fountain. Read the name plate, or whatever other information was gathered on site. Publications as sources are rare for OSM again because of licensing problems.
Best Michael