Most Bus Stations/Lines in Switzerland are operated by PAG (PostAuto Schweiz AG). At the 10th of June 2011 User xylome did a mass edit (1) on 650 nodes and 79 relations to change PAG => PostAuto Schweiz AG in different languages. This was done on a bounding box which covers almost whole Switzerland. The remaining 10000 nodes with operator=PAG were somehow missed. Is there any explanation of this action?
The PAG obviously comes from the Didok Import. With a few exceptions, operator contains always an acronym. (2)
What do we consider the right value? It would make sense to have the values consistent IMHO.
(1) http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/changeset/8395099 (2) http://taginfo.openstreetmap.ch/keys/operator#values