Nov 17, 2021, 15:20:26 by
Recently? Or do you mean the steeper-than-average incline from ~end 2008 to ~2016 / 2017?
Recently. The chronology tab for source=maxar and source=swisstopo SWISSIMAGE show an increase in early 2021.
Upon further inspection, it seems this is mostly due to two users ( ~90%+). Both of them created their accounts in 2010, which probably means that it is an old habit of theirs.
How? Politely, and not only stating the rule / recommendation, but also its reason(s). Some will still be offended, but that's as hard to foresee as it is to avoid.
Try to not let yourself be pulled into nasty arguments and stay polite even if others don't.
The goal is not to convince everyone, but to inform those who'd willingly follow such a recommendation (at least if they understand its purpose) but simply didn't know or think about it, yet, or forgot to apply it.
Thank you for these pointers, much appreciated. I will write a PM to the two aforementioned mappers sometime this week.
Greetings j.