Hello Simon
Looks like you have found Mr. Cleaner.
Beside of deleting sidewalks all over the place, the person was as well deleting Essort's Gartenwirtschaft (tagged as usual for Gartenwirtschaft as Biergarten)
Thx, for your efforts.
cheeers, h.
PS In regards to sidewalks, I'll try to do them as I did them here
Means, sidewalk tagged like:
highway=footway footway=sidewalk barrier=kerb height=0.1
ex. https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/288833859
and crossigs or streets crossing the sidewalk tagged accordingly
Most of the sidewalks in Bern can be seen on the Orthofotos of the Bern Vermessungsamt or even better in reality on the spot.
Am 30.08.2017 um 21:23 schrieb Simon Poole:
Ich habe glaub ich den Löscher gefunden https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/51556330
Mal schauen ob er sich hier meldet.
Am 24.08.2017 um 19:07 schrieb Andreas Bürki:
Have noticed, there is a "sidewalk cleaner" under way doing some nasty work in Berne.
Please Mr. Cleaner, don't do that. There is a reason for sidewalks mapped beside of the street: Visual impaired people, so called blind people.
In a long run, highway:footway and highway:footway + footway:sidewalk will serve as basis for a map for visual impaired people.
Thx for your cooperation and understanding.
cheeers, h.
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