Am 07.11.2017 um 21:25 schrieb Jonathan Masur:
- Simon semble terrorisé à l'idée d'une "importation illégale" de
frontières. Lorsque cela était possible j'ai utilisé les frontières déjà en place. Malheureusement, certaines fois elles avaient été supprimées, et j'ai du les redessiner à partir d'anciennes cartes de la confédération. Celles datant d'avant 1967 sont dans le domaine public puisqu'elles ont plus de 50 ans.
To be clear this is wrong.
The current copyright protection term is 70 years in Switzerland, how this is actually calculated depends on details of the publication that we don't really know (assuming that for example a map series is considered a single work, it wouldn't start counting before the last map of the series was published, which for the 1:25'000 maps is sometime in the 1960's), but anything younger than 1947 is definitely not out of copyright. Determining the exact legal status depends on what Jonathan was actually using (which he hasn't actually told us) and is in any case difficult, but it is likely that none of the post Siegfriedkarte maps can be a legitimate source for OSM.
Further Jonathan confuses the matter further by not pointing out that he was adding borders that were never in OSM in the first place, the dataset we used for the original import is from 2011, so borders for example from 2008 that Jonathan was adding were simply never there. Existing border ways that were deleted during the merger process could be restored if necessary, so there is no real reason to use a third party source if we choose to recreate them.