Am 26.12.2021 um 16:51 schrieb Toggenburger Lukas:
- Do you agree in deprecating and manually retagging amenity=childcare instances?
As you probably know the mapping of childcare facilities has a rather mixed, if not to say controversial history in OSM. But the infamous original amenity=childcare proposal didn't fail because it doesn't make sense to tag different things differently, but because of weaknesses in the proposal itself. But outside of the specific proposal it the use of the tagging has been largely unproblematic and in the same order of magnitude as amenity=kindergarten in CH.
In any case of the German-speaking countries I know of, only Austria -actually- uses "Kindergarten" (irl) for other things than pre-school education and I would consider it too confusing to treat general childcare and Kindergarten as the same thing here. Additionally in CH we have a very clear delineation as all cantons provide at least one year of Kindergarten and all with the exception GR require at least one year of mandatory attendance. I can't see a rationale for mixing up the 1st level of state provided education with everything else that has a clearly different purpose.
The other reason to not mix things up is while we have a formal legal definition of Kindergarten we don't really have it for anything else, outside of permission being required to offer such services for children under the age of 12 (there are some Cantons that regulate a bit more in detail) . So really those clear cut categories don't exist outside of whatever the facility uses in their name.