On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 09:25:04PM +0100, Philipp Meier wrote:
Je viens de finir d'importer les adresse depuis OpenAdresses sur la suisse romande.
Tres bien. Seulement la suisse romande? SO and ZG got a good set of data ;-)
I still belive that any import from OpenAddresses is *not* according to the rules of OpenStreetMap, as it is just derived from Google Maps.
Yes, some are, but now the data belongs to openadresses. If they say they can give it for free, in my opinon they are responsible for that.
Sounds to me, like it is very similar to GeoNames and there the consensus is that it is not a valid source. Read more here: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Geonames