For the westernmost part of Switzerland, the Grand Genève in fact, there is also the 10 cm 2012 SITG Orthophoto. It covers a big area aroud Geneva, from Rolle to Thonon-les-Bains, to Bonneville, to Bellegarde-sur-Valserine.
Regards, Marc Mongenet
2014-09-03 8:32 GMT+02:00 xavier.merour@asit.vd.ch:
Great news.
I jump on this opportunity to make a reminder to the OSM community, especially for Romandie, about the availability of imageries in the following area : Nyon, Lausanne agglo, Pully, Paudex, Belmont and Riviera. More info here : *http://osmdata.asitvd.ch/* http://osmdata.asitvd.ch/
I informed last year about this here [1] but I guess it's worth sharing this info once again ;-)
All the best,
[1] http://lists.openstreetmap.ch/pipermail/talk-ch/2013-April/002328.html
*_______ _________________________ _________________________ ________*
*Xavier Mérour - Coordinateur ASIT VD* Association pour le Système d'Information du Territoire Vaudois av. de l'Université 5 CH-1014 Lausanne Tél: +41(0)21 316 70 24 - Fax: +41(0)21 316 70 30 *xavier.merour@asitvd.ch * xavier.merour@asitvd.ch- *http://www.asitvd.ch* http://www.asitvd.ch/