2012/11/7 Sarah Hoffmann lonvia@denofr.de:
On Wed, Nov 07, 2012 at 10:56:25AM +0100, Simon Poole wrote:
I was once told that leaving out the accent on 'majuscules' is perfectly valid in French and I've certainly seen it done frequently. You might want to consider not flagging that as an error.
The same is true for Hyphens. Not even street signs in the same street agree on the correct use for them.
In Swiss French typography (Guide du Typographe romand) there is no accent on capital letters. But in France, most books, and all high quality books, have accents on capitals. For the Académie française, omitting an accent is always an error.
For hyphens in street names, there are rules for them (for instance from Lexique des règles typographiques en usage à l'Imprimerie Nationale) but the rule is often ignored. In France, the post requires words without hyphens, to help OCR.
This morning, I looked at the street signs near Geneva, and used hyphens, some other not. Opentreetmap seems to agree with the signs more than GWR.
Marc Mongenet