Hello again!
> Pour un exemple plus simple qu'est la place de la Ripone
> (http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/relation/391928/history):
> Mon changeset initial http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/changeset/4936589
> Modification de Shernott http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/changeset/9065948
Ok, it looks like we have to keep arguing, so let's shift the focus from the Bois du Jorat (which was my main concern) down to the city of Lausanne. After a quick glance on the change set proposed by Stéphane, I am not sure if it does tell the whole story. Since I don't like it when entire forests disappear for days, I tend to work with incremental change sets that leave the data intact and valid after each change. I was doing a bit more around the place de la Riponne than just changing the Riponne multipolygon, and I am not sure if it is all contained in this change set.
The Place de la Riponne is a pedestrian multipolygon with pedestrian highways inside linking several points relevant for pedestrian routing. There is a new subway station with entrances from Place de la Riponne on the upper level and Place Arlaud (northeast of "Theatre Bulimie") on the lower level, so a couple of things have changed, which were not mapped yet.
What I changed there:
* Added an angle to the stairs from Riponne to Arlaud to represent their correct shape (they are actually old and well enough visible on the available aerial images)
* Added stairs and pedestrian ways around the Place Arlaud to reflect the different levels there.
* Added stairs, entrances and passages to and through the new subway station (in a simplified manner)
* Removed stairs and pedestrian ways that don't exist anymore.
* Updated the pedestrian highways linking the relevant points of the Riponne, so that they are useful for pedestrian routing again.
* Aligned those pedestrian highways for more orderly rendering on Maps who show them instead of the pedestrian multipolygon or who show both. (Those pedestrian highways are arbitrary anyway, it's a place after all.)
* And yes, I am guilty of extending the shape of the Place de la Riponne multipolygon to some highways that are its physical boundaries while leaving the way with the nodes of the old boundary around, just in case somebody should wish to change it back - which Stéphane promptly did.
While we are at it, I could mention that I added a little meadow and forest between Av. de Riant-Mont and Rue du Tunnel, whose absence on the map didn't seem to bother Stéphane despite its visibility on aerial imagery. But as soon as it was there, he had to correct its boundaries (I used Av de Riant-Mont to separate the meadow from the residential area, which didn't suit Stéphane):
And I could mention that I added a little park with playground, parking space and ball sport area between Rue du Nord and Rue César-Roux, whose absence on the map didn't seem to bother Stéphane either despite its visibility on aerial imagery. But again, as soon as it was there, he had to correct its shape and boundaries and to add an inexistent wall (which I removed subsequently):
Do we really need to dig out all the change sets? Frankly, while I don't feel much motivation to map in Lausanne anymore, I feel even less motivation to dig up all the change sets and to argue about them. If my mapping in and around Lausanne sucks so badly that it needs constant surveillance and instant interventions and corrections, well, then I better put my time to a more worthwhile and productive use. Which is the conclusion to which I came already a week ago.
Thorsten (Shernott)
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Hello every body,
English bellow.
Je suis désolé de cous importuner avec ça mais j'ai un problème avec
le contributeur Shernott (http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/Shernott)
ou je n'arrive pas du tout avoir une discutions constructive.
Ce que je retiens de la discussion c'est qu'il méprise les
contributions des autres et que les sienne par contre sont
Bien sur j'espère me tromper sur l'image que j'ai de lui et j'ai aussi
mon lot d'erreur mais actuellement je suis dans une impasse).
Le point central de divergence c'est qu'il veut absolument que toutes
les zones aillent jusqu'au centre des routes ce qui va a l’encontre
d'un véritable plan de zone de bonne qualité comme [1].
Et il est vrai que je ne veut pas un OSM au rabais.
Pour être claire j'ai joint les messages échangé.
Actuellement je n'ai pas répondu aux 2 derniers messages.
Merci d'avance.
I'm sorry to bother you with that but I have a problem with the
contributor Shernott (http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/Shernott) with
one I can't have a constructive discussion.
What I retain of the discussion is that he despises the contributions
of others and hos one are irreproachable.
Of course I hope I am wrong on the image I have of him and I also have
my share of errors but actually I am at a dead end).
The point of divergence is that it insists that all areas go to the
center of roads which doesn't go to the direction of having good
accurate zone plan like [1].
It is true that I do not want an OSM at a discount.
To be clear I join all the exchanged messages.
Acctually I havn't responded to the two last message.
Thanks in advance.
[1] http://sitn.ne.ch/mapfish/amenagement?map_x=561220&map_y=204650&map…
Envoyé depuis mon lapin
Catalogue de cartes OpenStreetMap - http://map.stephane-brunner.ch
Un peu d'espace qui vous suis partout -
Hello everybody!
it's a bit unfortunate that I have to introduce myself on this mailing list in this way. But since Stéphane decided to publish our private exchange together with his interpretation, I would like to provide my point of view.
> Ce que je retiens de la discussion c'est qu'il méprise les
> contributions des autres et que les sienne par contre sont
> irréprochable.
I'm not quite sure how Stéphane arrives at this conclusion.
Judging from the way he is acting (or editing), it seems to be more the other way around. And I don't think that my contributions are so bad and faulty that they need Stéphane's constant attention, "corrections", and "improvements".
In some areas I played along with his wishes, but in general I find it rather tedious to have to juggle with three different parallel lines when I want to work on a highway. And especially in the absence of sufficiently precise information I see no point of doing so.
> Le point central de divergence c'est qu'il veut absolument que toutes
> les zones aillent jusqu'au centre des routes ce qui va a l’encontre
> d'un véritable plan de zone de bonne qualité comme [1].
I have neither the time nor any interest to make "all" zones look a certain way. Given the diversity of mappers, I don't think there will ever be a unique way of mapping.
However I was spending some time mapping with my mountainbike and GPS in and around the Bois du Jorat, a forest zone above Lausanne. And I do find it rather irritating that Stéphane insists now in having it look "his way", especially since I was still mapping in that area.
But as far as I am aware, Stéphane has contributed a copious amount of (new) information by tracing aerial images in and around Lausanne and has probably already contributed more to OSM than I ever will. My ambitions are far more modest. I only map areas and places that I know and care for. And most of all, I am doing this for fun. So with regard to Stéphane's undisputed merits in mapping the area around Lausanne, I decided to withdraw from that area to avoid further conflict and to allow Stéphane to have things looking whichever way it pleases him and based on whatever data sources seem trustworthy to him.
>From my point of view, the conflict is finished and doesn't need any further mediation.
Thorsten (Shernott)
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Es gibt doch noch eine Open Source-Veranstaltung in diesem Jahr!
Laut einer Mitteilung in eigener Sache hat TopSoft die Rechte an der
OpenExpo übernommen. Daher findet die
OpenExpo an der Topsoft am 5. und 6. Oktober 2011 in Bern
statt und zwar offenbar als "Open-Source-Business-Park". Im Zentrum
stehe das Zusammenspiel von quelloffenen Lösungen mit kommerziellen
Plattformen. Gemeinsam mit den Organisationen Saffos (Swiss
Association for Free & Fair Office Solutions), Lisog (Linux Solutions
Group) und /ch/open soll die Veranstaltung auf die Bedürfnisse von
KMU, grossen Organisationen, Verwaltungen und Schulen ausgerichtet
Zur Mitteilung von TopSoft: http://tinyurl.com/OpenExpoBern2011
Grüsse, Stefan