If you haven't been following the process a short summary (all numbers
for Switzerland only):
- from the top 100 mappers (pre May 2010) all but 4 have accepted the
new contributor terms, 2 simply haven't decided yet, 1 has declined
(however he has indicated that he is not really fundamentally opposed)
and one is simply being difficult :-).
- from the mappers between position 101 and 200, a total of 17 are
missing, with 2 declines and the rest simply haven't decided yet, or
haven't been reached (the current mailing hasn't addressed pre May 2010
mappers yet).
- in total from the top 200 we are missing roughly 3 % from 86% on a
last edit base, and from all edits (100%) roughly 8%
- what I didn't expect at the beginning of the process is that we
already have a "popular vote" majority (52%) despite a lot of the old
and very small mappers not being easy to reach