Hi Michael,
I'd like find out whether the current UIC number in OSM (8588433) of
these four unconnected bus stops (all named "Bessières) is just missing
in the DIDOK list or if it was dropped from DIDOK and replaced by the
one of the metro station "Bessières" (8589523).
That's why I'm wondering how to match a real bus stop with the UIC names
and numbers in the DIDOK list. Are the UIC names unique too? Could I
conclude from the fact that the bus stops and the metro station are all
called "Bessières" that they must share the same UIC ref too?
On 05.02.2014 22:46, Michael Spreng wrote:
> Hi Thorsten
> The black and red dots on the map represent the DIDOK data. Just click
> on it and a popup will show you the respective UIC number.
> Hope that helps
> Michael
> On 02/05/2014 10:03 PM, Thorsten Kurz wrote:
>> Hi Michael,
>> Thanks for the updated map. I was just having a look around in Lausanne
>> and found four unconnected bus stops at Bessières:
>> I'm pretty sure that these bus stops still exist. Is it possible that
>> they were joined to the nearby Metro station with the same name? Is
>> there a way to find out the uic_ref of an individual bus stop?
>> Thorsten
>> On 05.02.2014 21:02, Michael Spreng wrote:
>>> Hello fellow mappers
>>> I did an update to the public transport map comparing OSM data with data
>>> from DIDOK, the official list of public transport stops in Switzerland
>>> from BAV. Tha data used now is form the last time table change. With
>>> this update the map now resides on the SOSM server, and not on my
>>> personal one any more. The new address is
>>> It is quite a while since the initial import of DIDOK into OSM. Lots of
>>> things have changed, so please have a look at the map and see if
>>> something in your vicinity is outdated:
>>> Look for stops which are in OSM but not in DIDOK (layer "stops only in
>>> didok")
>>> Look for stops which are in DIDOK but not in OSM (layer "stops only in osm")
>>> Also, there are still 7200 unchecked stops which were imported from
>>> DIDOK which are potentially wrong. If you feel like verifying a few,
>>> look at the layer "survey state of nodes"
>>> Thank you to everybody mapping and maintaining public transport stops
>>> Michael
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