State of the Map 2016, la conférence internationale organisée par la fondation OpenStreetMap OSMF, arrive à grand pas.

Prenez vos tickets maintenant pour assurer votre place et les commandes de livrets, t-shirts et nourriture.

Rendez-vous dans quelques jours à Bruxelles !

L'équipe State of the Map

---------- Forwarded message ----------

To: "OpenStreetMap" <>

Hi all,

> It is just over 2 weeks until we meet in Brussels for State of the Map 2016. This will be our (OSMF's) largest event to date surpassing that of Birmingham in 2013.
> If you have not done so already please book your tickets:
> By booking your tickets early you assist us in purchasing the correct volume of t-shirts, guidebooks and food.
> See you in Belgium!
> Regards,
> Rob