Hi Raphael,

Yes, that would be very helpful. 

Reading through the comments, it seems others would like this as well :


Best regards,


On Sat, 9 May 2020 at 16:46, Raphael Das Gupta (das-g) <lists.openstreetmap.ch@raphael.dasgupta.ch> wrote:
On 09.05.20 15:04, European Water Project wrote:
> How does one form a url with parameters to go directly with prefill
> data for a node edit using the ID editor ?  Just to be clear, I am not
> looking to do an automatic edit, just make the workflow more efficient
> and accurate. 
> For example, lets say I want to add mapillary image " 
> ofr9UjZn4ammjewdPnGIGA " to OSM node  "3413495243". Is this even
> possible? 
> https://www.mapillary.com/map/im/ofr9UjZn4ammjewdPnGIGA
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/edit?node=3413495243#map=19/46.297219/6.0741059

Opening the editor and selecting a given object is possible with the URL
parameters node, way or relation. The second URL you listed does that.

>From what I can see on
https://github.com/openstreetmap/iD/blob/develop/API.md, there doesn't
seem to be a way to pre-fill tags to be added to that object, though.
But maybe that's a feature the iD developers and the maintainers of the
osm.org website would be willing to add?

Kind regards,

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