
According to Wikipedia it is called "walking bus"


Seems to be a reasonable name...


Am 19. Oktober 2016 13:50:34 MESZ, schrieb Yves <yvecai@gmail.com>:
No marc, a pedibus here is just a walking route to school for accompanied children.
Imho, it's a new route type. Worth it to ask on tagging@ for a good english term.

Le 19 octobre 2016 13:00:38 GMT+02:00, Marc Gemis <marc.gemis@gmail.com> a écrit :
Since I didn't know what a Pedibus was (as I live in Belgium), I
looked it up. a.o. I found http://www.pedibus.co.uk/
Probably not what you mean. Perhaps you should be careful when you
start a new tagging scheme so the 2 items are not mixed up.



On Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 9:08 AM, Simon Poole <simon@poole.ch> wrote:
Hi Cédric

There is an existing tagging scheme for such routes see
which however uses the same values as a hiking routes which is probably
not such a good idea. There is currently no dedicated value for the
stops (but we can invent o ne on the fly), which IMHO would be a good as
there is a danger of them being confused with "real" bus stops.

I would suggest using a map on umap.osm.ch for visualisation, it will
need a query to retrieve the data from the Overpass API, but that should
be reasonably simple.

Alternatively (if adding the data to OSM is too involved for you), you
could simply draw the route on umap.osm.ch.


PS: off topic: here (just outside of Zürich) our kids are supposed to
walk on their own (without adult supervision) starting with Kindergarten.

Am 18.10.2016 um 22:47 schrieb Cédric BRINER:

As I'm running an association of a school's parents in Vernier (GE),
we'd like to show on a m ap (preferably OSM) the pedibus way.

Is there a way to add a pedibus in openstreetmap ?
Once it exists on OSM, is it possible to display it with an URL ?

Thanks in advance.


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