Yes, it'll be great to have an "official" voice for OSM in Switzerland. We can use it to contact partners to include data in OSM.

Good news, the Via Francigena is completed for the Swiss part have a look at : http://hiking.lonvia.de/fr/relation/124582
more informations : http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Via_Romea_Francigena
GPX file from Lonvia : http://hiking.lonvia.de/fr/routebrowser/124582/gpx

I have a question. I checked the Swiss Via Francigena part with the relation analyzer: http://analyser.openstreetmap.fr/cgi-bin/index.py
I had some errors on places and parking. To remove this error, I had to create a way through the place instead of adding the entire place.
Exemple : Place de la navigation in Lausanne (I added the grey line)

Do you think it's the correct way to do that ?

Bonne journée

inetis sàrl
Grand-Vigne 7 – 1302 Vufflens-la-Ville
Tél. : +41 21 731 70 88