Upps, off by a week, the opendata.ch event is actually one week later, so perhaps somebody might be able to come anyway. However the month is extremely busy in any case.


Am 04.05.2014 17:50, schrieb Simon Poole:
The date conflicts with the start of the Wikimedia Hackathlon or else
more people would likely be present than the two OSM involved
participants that I can see at first glance on the doodle.

As I've pointed out multiple times, we, as in SOSM and the Swiss OSM
community, have a limited number of people with a limited amount of free
time and none of them are paid for lobbying (or for anything else in
their role in SOSM). There is simply no way we could even remotely
guarantee "official" presence at every event on top of normal OSM
related work and activities.


Am 04.05.2014 16:19, schrieb Andreas Bürki:

A kick-off meeting for (open? hopefully!) Swiss transport data will take
place May 15 in the later afternoon in Zürich. See details in Hannes
message below.

It looks to me, as nobody from OSM Community is attending this kick-off


At least nobody, neither from SOSM board (http://sosm.ch/about/board/)
nor somebody volunteering and contributing value to OSM by e.g.
importing transportation data (public transportation stops) as Michael.
See his message from February 5th


IMHO, OSM hackers with real, practical experience should attend such a
kick-off meeting in order to add practical value from a OSM POV.

cheeers, h.

-------- Begin Original Message Working Group Kickoff --------
Betreff: Re: [OKFN-CH] Swiss Transport Data: Next Steps / Opendata.ch
Transport Working Group Kickoff
Datum: Sun, 4 May 2014 14:48:33 +0200
Von: Hannes Gassert <hannes@gassert.ch>
An: okfn-ch@lists.okfn.org, Open Transport Data
<transport@opendata.ch>, open-transport <open-transport@lists.okfn.org>

To everybody interested in Swiss Open Transport Data:

Many thanks to all of you who participated in the survey to find a
kick-off date for our working group. We have a date and a place now:

* Thursday 15 May, 17-19h
* Zürich HB, Restaurant Oase (http://goo.gl/Zwu2HA)


* Introduction
* Stakeholders
  - Who's doing what with (open) transport data, what interests are
represented at the table?
  - Who's missing?
* Status
  - What open transport data for Switzerland is out there, what's
coming next?
  - What's its status, where is action needed?
* Goals
  - for the fahrplanfelder.ch <http://fahrplanfelder.ch> dataset
  - for the transport.opendata.ch <http://transport.opendata.ch> interface
  - for Astra's open data
  - for political action, if necessary
  - ..
* Next steps
  - Planning of converter/importer projects
  - Integration of working group intp opendata.ch <http://opendata.ch>
  - ..

I hope to keep the general parts as short as necessary and focus on the
concrete plans that are most important to most of you. If you have
additional agenda items or would like to propose a change: please do let
me know directly.

Sending kind regards,
Hannes Gassert, Opendata.ch
-------- End Original Message Working Group Kickoff --------

-------- Begin Message OSM-DIDOK Michael Spreng 2014-02-05 --------
Betreff: [talk-ch] Public transport: didok update
Datum: Wed, 05 Feb 2014 21:02:23 +0100
Von: Michael Spreng <mailinglist@osm.datendelphin.net>
Antwort an: Openstreetmap Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra
An: Openstreetmap Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra <talk-ch@openstreetmap.ch>

Hello fellow mappers

I did an update to the public transport map comparing OSM data with data
from DIDOK, the official list of public transport stops in Switzerland
from BAV. Tha data used now is form the last time table change. With
this update the map now resides on the SOSM server, and not on my
personal one any more. The new address is http://didok.osm.ch

It is quite a while since the initial import of DIDOK into OSM. Lots of
things have changed, so please have a look at the map and see if
something in your vicinity is outdated:

Look for stops which are in OSM but not in DIDOK (layer "stops only in
Look for stops which are in DIDOK but not in OSM (layer "stops only in osm")

Also, there are still 7200 unchecked stops which were imported from
DIDOK which are potentially wrong. If you feel like verifying a few,
look at the layer "survey state of nodes"

Thank you to everybody mapping and maintaining public transport stops

-------- End Message OSM-DIDOK Michael Spreng 2014-02-05 --------

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