The problem is less what OSM "allows" in a link, as to what the expectations and means of the data consumer are.

As a thought experiment consider facebook displaying the contents licenced on 0, 1, 2 and 3 terms, that would be instant and potentially expensive licence violations.  As a consequence unless there is some way to check the licence in advance (for example by stating the licence in a separate tag with its SPDX id) and a way to retrieve attribution for the works that then can be displayed, I would as a tendency stick to "safe" licences, that is 7, 8, 9 and 10.


Am 24.02.2020 um 15:46 schrieb European Water Project:
Dear All,

I have found some images corresponding to OSM nodes using the flickr API.
Base on the license description below from the flickr website which has many cc images, which flickr images can be added to the image tag in OSM ? 

"0" name="All Rights Reserved" 
"1" name="Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License"  url=""
"2" name="Attribution-NonCommercial License" url=""
"3" name="Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License" url=""
"4" name="Attribution License" url=""
"5" name="Attribution-ShareAlike License" url="
"6" name="Attribution-NoDerivs License" url="" />
"7" name="No known copyright restrictions" url=""
"8" name="United States Government Work" url="" />
"9" name="Public Domain Dedication (CC0)" url="
"10" name="Public Domain Mark" url=""

Best regards,


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