This afternoon I had a telephone call with Mr Frédéric Ménétrey ("Société fribourgeoise d’économie alpestre"). It was a good and open conversation and I would like to send him an e-mail with some links and an explanation of our project. This e-mail might be discussed in the committee of the association before a decision. Is there somebody who might help me to translate the text in French, perhaps somebody, who is a French native speaker? If we get the permission to use the data, we might get the names and coordinates of about 1'500 alps in the canton of Fribourg. This might also be helpful to reach an agreement with other swiss alps associations.

2017-08-28 13:10 GMT+02:00 Simon Poole <>:

Also mindestens von der SOSM aus hatten wir nie Kontakt, es gibt irgendwo eine Changeset Diskussion zum Thema Hofläden und so, wo die beteiligten ev. auch Interesse hätten an solchen Daten (gefunden, es war: )


Am 27.08.2017 um 23:07 schrieb Ulrich Dimigen:

I would like to ask if somebody already has or had contact with the "Schweizerischen Alpwirtschaftlichen Verband" ( or with one of it's subsidies (e.g. Société fribourgeoise d’économie alpestre,

I assume, that the parent organization and also the different cantonal sections have a list of their members (alps, farms) with names and perhaps even coordinates. At least this can be concluded if you have a look at


If it is possible to get the names, and - even better - the coordinates of all these alps, this could be of great value for OSM.

Best regards


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