Am 30.06.2011 16:46, schrieb inetis - Pierre-André Vullioud:

Yes, it'll be great to have an "official" voice for OSM in Switzerland. We can use it to contact partners to include data in OSM

[I'm actually an avid import hater, but that's a different topic]

I'm working on draft articles of association.

These will be in German but based on the template from, which means that we can use the French (and
potentially Italian) templates for translations in the respective languages.

Why not English? While I believe it is possible to have English AoA, you must provide a certified translation to the
trade registry, if and when we want to register the association (is not strictly necessary, but we may want to so anyway).

Naturally, just to make things difficult, the OSMF expect certified translations in English from their local chapters :-)
But I would rather negotiate with the OSMF than the trade registry. If anybody has a better idea please pipe up!

Major points open for discussion (besides the purpose clause)

+ name: OpenStreetMap Switzerland,  other suggestions? Note: using Switzerland or similar may lead to some minor

+ classes of membership: individual, company? Any other (non-voting membership for example)?

+ founding procedure: I'm all for a quick and dirty solution: at the next best opportunity found the association with
   a "temporary" board and start attracting members, then later in the year, have a general meeting and elect the "real"
   board (old board steps down). This has the advantage that more people can participate and we may be able to have
   some kind of electronic vote (has to be investigated). The alternative is to have a meeting in Berne with as many
   participants as possible.

+ membership fees: it is no longer necessary to explicitly state the membership dues in the AoA to avoid liability problems.
   With other words this can be decided at the founding meeting and changed at later AGMs without going through the
   hassle of changing the AoA. I would suggest 12 CHF/year for individual members.
