
Thanks Simon for this proposal.
Unfortunately, I can't be there on the 20th in Berne (I'll be there the day before).

As a suggestion, I would like to invite any volunteer who will attend this meeting to have a look at the french "association" founded by october 2011.
Even if there's in France another legal basis for "association", it gives a good idea of what can be put in the Bylaws.

You will find here bylaws and others ressources (in French): http://openstreetmap.fr/asso
They also have kinds of "working group" about "technical issue", "communication", "international relations" and "territories", see here : http://openstreetmap.fr/gt

Hope it helps for the discussion next month in Berne !

Concerning a name, I would suggest something simple and straigthforward like "OpenStreetMap Switzerland". KISS...
It may help for communication purposes.


De :        Simon Poole <simon@poole.ch>
A :        Openstreetmap Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra <talk-ch@openstreetmap.ch>
Date :        16.05.2012 15:47
Objet :        [talk-ch] Swiss OpenStreetMap Association (founding meeting)
Envoyé par :        talk-ch-bounces@openstreetmap.ch

A number of you may remember the discussion about founding a Swiss
OpenStreetMap association from last year, at the time I didn't follow up
on the idea due to many other OSM related activities and due to the fact
that nobody volunteered a meeting room.

Since the underlying motivation for creating such an organisation
haven't changed and we (as in the Swiss OSM community) will have a
presence at the exhibition part of GEOsummit 2012 (
www.geosummit.ch) in
Berne, I propose to have a founding meeting over lunch on June the 20th
in Berne. Venue to be determined, but either in a restaurant in the
exhibition buildings or nearby.

We have a limited number of free exhibition entrance tickets available
that will be available on a first come first serve base to members of
the community that want to participate in the meeting.

If you want to come, please add your name here:

I will be updating the draft bylaws with some of the input from the
discussion over the next couple of days. One major point missing is a
good name, suggestions are welcome!


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