On Sun, Jun 26, 2022 at 5:32 PM Danilo <mail@dbrgn.ch> wrote:
Hi Fabian

>  2. The parking spaces are marked as points. I can see that parking spaces can be added as points and as areas. Personally I would prefer areas. Do we have any preference here? I think the map could suffer a lot if we suddenly have that many points in the map.

I would prefer areas as well.

>  1. What happens to continous parking spaces along the street? Again, I think it would be better to have them as areas. But in this example, there is an outgoing path in between them.

I would map all contiguous parking lots as one area. Example:


Here you can see three parking zones, I would map them as three separate areas.

>  1. Zürich has the concept of blaue Zone. Locals can park there with a residence parking card for an unlimited time. The card is bound to the zip code of the home address. So as a person living in 8055, I can park in all blaue Zone parking spaces in 8055. All blaueZone parking spaces in 8055 are marked as 8055 with a street sign. I am not aware of any edge cases. Therefore I really would like to add some label to mark these as blaueZone:8055 or similar. This should be easily possible using some zip code map.

Could "ref" be used? https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:ref At the paid parking areas, I used the code written on the parking meter (which is also entered into apps like ParkingPay). Since the blue zones don't have such a code, the ZIP-Code could be used instead.

Note that this is not an exact correspondence: areas close to PLZ borders have parking spots that belong to both blue zones. E.g. https://www.google.com/maps/@47.3818723,8.4984934,3a,15y,0.78h,93.16t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sNfA6rbos6kqaR00X3ie49Q!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

>  2. Most/(all?) blaue Zone parking spaces are outdoor, therefore I would prefer to start with them.

These can be cross-checked on satellite imagery, so that's a good ida.

>    8. Maybe, step c should provide a standardized rectangle area instead of a point. For example 2x4 Meter. Then I could rotate the parking space in the client and maybe connect it with endpoints from other parking spaces.

Are the surface areas standardized? If not, I would use satellite imagery as reference.

>    1. Delete the current data and replace it? I think it would be sad if I remove areas and replace them with points.

Current data should not be deleted and re-created since you'll lose history.

>  5. I discovered JOSM. Do you think it is the "right" client to do this?

JOSM is a great client, once you learn to use it. There are a lot of useful plugins. (I often use the "buildings_tools" Plugin that is used for drawing rectangles with the "b" key, and then delete the "building=yes" tag from the created rectangular area.)

Regarding the import itself, I already commented on that in my previous e-mail. However, I'm no authority here, so let's wait for replies from the more seasoned community members first :)

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