
No, there is currently no imagery available for the whole canton de Vaud. The reason is they do not have their own imagery but buy them from Swisstopo (unlike canton de Neuchâtel). So the info here (http://sosm.ch/projects/cantonal-aerial-imagery/) is not true but just partially true since there are many smaller part of the territory available :

- R-Pod project (http://www.r-pod.ch/wms-server/ )
- Ville de Lausanne (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Lausanne )
- EPFL (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/EPFL_WMS )
We, at ASIT VD (www.asitvd.ch), are currently working on making more data available on Vaud. We would be happy to get input from the OSM-ch community. I sent a message some months ago on this list [1] for this prupose... but no answer so far ;-)

Best regards,

[1] http://lists.openstreetmap.ch/pipermail/talk-ch/2012-June/001951.html

Xavier Mérour - Coordinateur ASIT VD
Association pour le Système d'Information du Territoire Vaudois
5, av. de l'Université
CH- 1014 Lausanne
Tél: ++41(0)21 316 70 24 - Fax: ++41(0)21 316 70 30

xavier.merour@asitvd.ch - http://www.asitvd.ch

De :        yvecai <yvecai@gmail.com>
A :        Openstreetmap Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra <talk-ch@openstreetmap.ch>
Date :        28.10.2012 00:29
Objet :        [talk-ch] Cantonal Aerial Imagery
Envoyé par :        "talk-ch" <talk-ch-bounces@openstreetmap.ch>

I've stumbled upon that: http://sosm.ch/projects/cantonal-aerial-imagery/
There is imagery available for canton Vaud ??

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