I downloaded SRTM v3 via the usual ftp, then, patiently, ASTER from http://reverb.echo.nasa.gov/reverb/ (that's doable).
SRTM void are filled from Aster data with a homemade python script, then the filled void are smoothen with a 3x3 average filter.
1x1° tiles of hillshade, slopes are computed with gdaldem, then composed with imagemagick.
A bif tiff in latlon is merged with gdal, then reprojected to 3857.
Finally, a modified version of gdal2tile computred tiles from zoom 11 and store them in an sqlite.
I'll took the time to put the scripts on github one day.
Note: Sadly, the Matterhorn is wrong in Aster.
On 12/29/2012 01:22 PM, Stefan Keller wrote:
Salut Yves
Nice job!
I hope the maintainer of www.openstreetmap.ch will read this post.
Just to be curious: How did you process the hillshades and from which
URL did you download the original data?
Yours, Stefan
2012/12/29 yvecai <yvecai@gmail.com>:
I hereby offer www.openstreetmap.ch to use on its web map the contour lines_______________________________________________
(isohypses) and hillshading overlay layers available at
The attribution must quote the following: "ASTER GDEM is a product of METI
and NASA".
Yves, webmaster pistes-nordiques.org
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